Watch It Now Hemlock Grove is a Netflix original series that premiered on April 19, 2013. The show is a supernatural horror thriller created by Brian McGreevy and Lee Shipman, based on McGreevy's novel of the same name. The series is set in the fictional town of Hemlock Grove, Pennsylvania, and revolves around the murder of a teenage girl and the investigation into her death, which uncovers many dark secrets in the town. Plot: The show centers around the wealthy Godfrey family, who are known to be odd and reclusive. The patriarch of the family, Roman Godfrey (played by Bill SkarsgÄrd), is a teenage vampire who struggles with his identity and his feelings for a human girl named Letha (played by Penelope Mitchell). His half-brother, Peter Rumancek (played by Landon Liboiron), is a werewolf who moves to town with his mother and quickly becomes a suspect in the murder investigation. As the investigation unfolds, more secrets are uncovered about the Godfrey family and the town of Hemloc...
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