Scott Mann's "Fall" explores the confined horror genre, a territory previously tread by films like "The Shallows" and "Open Water," but with a unique twist that elevates the tension thousands of feet into the air. Co-written by Mann and Jonathan Frank, the film introduces a clever concept that, unfortunately, doesn't soar as high as it could due to some shortcomings in execution, including subpar acting, editing, and technical choices. While not crashing to Earth, "Fall" drifts into the forgettable airspace of film history. Becky (Grace Caroline Currey), her husband Dan (Mason Gooding), and Becky’s friend Hunter (Virginia Gardner) face tragedy while climbing a sheer mountain in the opening scene when Dan falls to his demise. A year later, grieving Becky, avoiding Hunter and her concerned father James (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), is presented with a proposal by Insta-star Hunter: to climb an abandoned 2,000-foot TV tower in the middle of nowhere...
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