Watch It Now "Evil Dead Rise: A Fresh and Gore-Filled Addition to the Cult Classic Franchise" The Evil Dead franchise has been a cult classic since its inception in 1981. The gory horror film directed by Sam Raimi spawned two sequels, a TV show, and a reboot. And now, the franchise has risen from the dead yet again with the latest installment, Evil Dead Rise. Directed by Lee Cronin, Evil Dead Rise promises to bring a fresh take to the franchise while still staying true to its roots. In this article, we'll dive into a detailed review of the film. Introduction Evil Dead Rise is a direct sequel to the 2013 reboot of the franchise. The film takes place in a different location than the previous films, with a new set of characters. The story revolves around two sisters who find themselves in the middle of a demon invasion. The Plot The film begins with sisters Olivia and Jenny traveling to a remote cabin in the woods to reconnect after a family tragedy. However, things take a...
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