"Prey for the Devil" serves as yet another illustration of the formidable challenge that exorcism-themed films face in escaping the formidable shadow cast by William Friedkin's iconic "The Exorcist. " The syntax for crafting horror narratives, established by "The Exorcist" half a century ago, continues to dominate the genre. Unfortunately, this horror-thriller adheres closely to the established style sheet, following a formula that numerous movies have trodden before, offering nothing distinctive. The narrative unfolds at a sluggish pace, and the attempted jump scares lack the desired impact. Despite generally commendable performances, the plot remains uninspired, leaving viewers with little to ponder. Rather than delving into the psychological realm, "Prey for the Devil" directly addresses possession and its ultimate exorcism. However, the film fails to introduce anything novel, relying on recycled scenes and occurrences familiar from countl...
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